Chica Ueda* = 上田知華* - Classiest = クラシェスト (LP, Album)


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Please read the description for further info.
The condition of the record and sleeve can differ from the picture (with/without obi) !


with obi, with insert (tape residue), comes in fixed plastic outer SLEEVE, rental record sticker on frontsleeve.

Additional information:

Sleeve Condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Media Condition: Near Mint (NM or M-)
Catalog Number: SJX-30237
Year: 1984
Title: Classiest = クラシェスト
Format Name: Vinyl
Label: Victor
Genre: Pop
Style: Unknown
Country: Japan
Format Type: LP, Album

SKU: 2995911929 Category: Pop


Track 1: ハリケーン
Track 2: スタリー・ナイト
Track 3: 読みかけの短編集
Track 4: 長い夢
Track 5: 思い出のバルコニー
Track 6: 10月のWeather Forecast
Track 7: 窓際のハイヒール
Track 8: 日曜日の狂騒曲
Track 9: ピンクのリボンが結べない
Track 10: ラスト・ダンス

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