日吉ミミ* - 失恋 / 日吉ミミ オリジナルを唄う (LP, Album, Gat)


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The condition of the record and sleeve can differ from the picture (with/without obi) !


Includes OBI (held in place by damp wear, near the middle of the cover). Media: Playgraded.. solid VG+! Cover: Strong damp wear inside but exterior looks VG+!

Additional information:

Sleeve Condition: Good Plus (G+)
Media Condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Catalog Number: SJX-87
Year: 1971
Title: 失恋 / 日吉ミミ オリジナルを唄う
Format Name: Vinyl
Label: Victor
Genre: Pop
Style: Kayōkyoku
Country: Japan
Format Type: LP, Album, Gat

SKU: 3008678186 Category: Pop


Track 1: 失恋
Track 2: 待ちくたびれた女
Track 3: 涙唄・別れ唄・子守唄
Track 4: おんなの街角
Track 5: ひとの一生かくれんぼ
Track 6: 博多たずねて
Track 7: 大阪恋歌
Track 8: 裸足でごめんなさい
Track 9: 港町・涙
Track 10: 眠れない子守唄
Track 11: うちあけたいのに
Track 12: ミミの子守唄

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