大本山 永平寺* - 曹洞宗勤行 (LP, Album)


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Includes obi and insert (light foxing). Media: Incredible copy, only one or two light spindle marks.. plays superb. Cover: A couple of tiny foxing spots.

Additional information:

Sleeve Condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Media Condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Catalog Number: NT-1420
Year: 1973
Title: 曹洞宗勤行
Format Name: Vinyl
Label: Teichiku Records
Genre: Non-Music
Style: Religious
Country: Japan
Format Type: LP, Album

SKU: 3414105627 Category: Non-Music


Track 1: 三帰礼文
Track 2: 般若心経
Track 3: 本尊上供
Track 4: 大悲心陀羅尼
Track 5: 甘露門
Track 6: 観音経偈
Track 7: 舎利礼文
Track 8: 普回向
Track 9: (十方三世……)
Track 10: 四弘誓願文
Track 11: 修證義
Track 12: 先亡諸霊回向
Track 13: (十方三世……)

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