青木 望* - 交響詩 銀河鉄道999 = Symphonic Poem Galaxy Express 999 (LP)
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Includes Obi + Insert. EX/EX condition.
Additional information:
Sleeve Condition: | Very Good Plus (VG+) |
Media Condition: | Very Good Plus (VG+) |
Catalog Number: | CQ-7025 |
Year: | 1979 |
Title: | 交響詩 銀河鉄道999 = Symphonic Poem Galaxy Express 999 |
Format Name: | Vinyl |
Label: | Columbia |
Genre: | Funk / Soul |
Style: | Soundtrack |
Country: | Japan |
Format Type: | LP |
SKU: 3437111871 Category: Funk / Soul
Track 1: 序曲 - メインテーマ = Prologue - Main ThemeTrack 2: ""鉄郎"", 勇気ある少年 = Tetsuro, A Bravery Boy
Track 3: 惜別 そして未知への憧れ = Fatal Parting, And Yearning For The Unknown
Track 4: テイキング・オフ! 銀河の彼方へ = Taking - Off! Over The Galaxy
Track 5: 氷の中のレクイエム = Requiem
Track 6: 可憐な少女 ガラスのクレア = Crystal Clair, A Pretty Girl
Track 7: 時間城へ = Bound For Time Castle
Track 8: 愛の目覚め = Awakening Of Love
Track 9: 心の詩とアルカエディア号 = Never Dying Spirit In Alkadia
Track 10: 惑星メーテル = Planet Meytel
Track 11: 銀河に散ったクレア... 涙 = Clair... Scattering In The Galaxy...Tear
Track 12: 終曲 - 別離 そして新たなる出発 = Epilogue - Farewell And The Beginning Of Another Journey