Derringer (2) - If I Weren't So Romantic, I'd Shoot You (LP, Album)


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Additional information:

Sleeve Condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Media Condition: Very Good (VG)
Catalog Number: 25AP 1081
Year: 1978
Title: If I Weren't So Romantic, I'd Shoot You
Format Name: Vinyl
Label: Blue Sky
Genre: Rock
Style: Unknown
Country: Japan
Format Type: LP, Album

SKU: 3437818917 Category: Rock


Track 1: It Aint Funny
Track 2: Midnight Road
Track 3: If I Werent So Romantic, Id Shoot You
Track 4: Ez Action
Track 5: Lawyers, Guns And Money
Track 6: Power Of Love
Track 7: Sleepless
Track 8: Tonight
Track 9: Rocka Rolla
Track 10: Atitude
Track 11: Monomania

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