さだまさし* - うつろひ (LP, Album)
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Additional information:
Sleeve Condition: | Very Good Plus (VG+) |
Media Condition: | Very Good Plus (VG+) |
Catalog Number: | FFR-12501 |
Year: | 1981 |
Title: | うつろひ |
Format Name: | Vinyl |
Label: | Free Flight Records (3) |
Genre: | Pop |
Style: | Unknown |
Country: | Japan |
Format Type: | LP, Album |
SKU: 701803759 Category: Pop
Track 1: 住所録Track 2: 鳥辺野
Track 3: 第三者
Track 4: 邪馬臺
Track 5: 肖像画
Track 6: 昔物語
Track 7: 明日檜
Track 8: 分岐点
Track 9: 黄昏迄
Track 10: 小夜曲